Nick WardAnalyst, Intelligent Income Investor

Nick Ward

Nicholas Ward is a financial analyst and writer who specializes in all things related to dividend growth stocks.

Nicholas studied English at the University of Virginia. After a brief career in real estate, he transitioned into the world of finance. He’s been an investment analyst for 10 years, using a disciplined strategy focused on attractive margins of safety attached to blue-chip equities. That’s enabled his portfolios to beat the broader markets on a consistent basis.

His primary concern is compounding capital with reliable and increasing passive income streams. And over the past five years, Nicholas has compounded that income at an average annual rate of 27.5%.

He also stays diversified by owning high-growth stocks, crypto assets, precious metals, physical real estate, and tech. His interest in tech, in particular, has generated incredible gains on companies like Apple, where his cost basis is just $24.26. At Apple’s recent highs, that represented a peak return greater than 650%.

And he brings this experience and track record to Brad Thomas’s team and readers of Wide Moat.

Prior to joining Wide Moat Research in 2020, Nicholas was involved in running several investment newsletter services. He also wrote for The Street, where he covered Jim Cramer’s Actions Alerts Plus Portfolio, the Forbes Real Estate Investor, Investing Daily, Seeking Alpha, and Sure Dividend.

A former national champion athlete, Nicholas has a deep passion for track and field and still follows the sport closely. These days, he spends more time chasing around two young children with his wife, Rachel, in their home in Virginia. 

Nick Ward’s Research Services

Intelligent Income Investor

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